Camp Rodef Shalom opens registration using a staggered system. Please only submit an application when you are eligible.
Temple Member Registration Opens: December 16th at 9 AM
Returning Camp Families and ECC Family Registration Opens: December 23rd at 9 AM
Registration for New Families Opens: January 2nd at 9 AM
The Camp TRS registration process has 3 steps:
Step 1- Application
Step 2- Acceptance/Registration
Step 3- Forms
Step 1- Application
A $100 non-refundable application fee per camper is due with your application.
For families with 3 or more children only 2 children will be charged the $100 application fee.
There is $100 Pay In Full Discount off Main Camp rate. Pay in Full must be selected in the camper application.
NEW THIS YEAR Camp Rodef Shalom is proud that so many of our campers participate in multiple Jewish experiences each summer. We recognize that scheduling for families is complex, and we want to support families who wish to send their child to both Camp Rodef Shalom and a Jewish overnight camp or other immersive Jewish experience. We are excited to offer a $360 discount to any family for whom there is a conflict during the last week of our main session.
There will be an opportunity on the camp application to indicate if this applies to your family.
Step 2- Acceptance/Registration
The Acceptance/Registration process will begin end of December and will be processed in the time stamped order applications were received.
Full payment is requested upon acceptance; monthly payment plans are available starting February 1.
Scholarships are available for Temple Member Families in need of financial assistance. Please contact the Camp Director, Megan O'Briant.
Camp fees include all activities, field trips, guests, two camp shirt (one color and one white), Travel camp gets three shirts (two color and one white), color war shirt, daily morning snack, pizza lunch on Fridays, camp pictures, insurance, priceless memories and so much more!
Step 3- Forms
Once your registration has been processed and accepted you will receive an email.
Go to your CampInTouch account to begin filling out all camp forms (due by June 1st).
CampInTouch is our secure registration system. It should take approximately 10 minutes to complete your application.
New camp families will need to create an account with CampInTouch. Returning camp families can use their existing login information.
Please note your login credentials so you can access your camp forms after enrollment.
Please complete a separate application for each child.
If you do not remember your login information, click on "Retrieve / Set Password".
CampInTouch works best on Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox desktop versions.

April 15 midnight: Last day to cancel and receive full refund, less your non-refundable application fee. Applies to Main Camp, Bonus Week, and Before/After Care.
May 15 midnight: Last day to cancel and receive 50% refund, less your non-refundable application fee. Applies to Main Camp, Bonus Week, and Before/After Care.
After May 15: We regret that refunds are not available.
Questions about registration? Contact Megan O'Briant